
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Give Give Giveaway: "The Handmade Marketplace"

I've been planning this giveaway for some time -- I'm so excited.  101 readers on the blog, and nearly 150 likers on Facebook.  Yay!  Here are the giveaway guidelines:

:: Giveaway comments will close one week from tonight, around 8 pm New Zealand time on the 23rd of October.  The winner will be chosen courtesy of

:: I'm happy to send anywhere!  International readers most welcome.

:: Please be a Facebook liker and/or follower of the blog to leave a comment.

:: To make it interesting, I'm asking that you include your favorite arty/domestic/life tip in your comment.  For instance, I've recently discovered that you can use really fine-grain sandpaper to get rid of pilling on sweaters.  Awesome!  I'm sure all you brilliant folk out there have a lot to teach me (and each other for that matter.)

:: I won't respond to any of the comments in the comments section because it throws off the numbers for the ol' random number generator.  But please know that I'm reading and appreciating every one.  I'll choose a few of the most interesting and handy tips to publish on the blog when I announce the winner.

So, what am I giving away?

An autographed copy (new) of Kari Chapin's The Handmade Marketplace.  Such a great book -- I was given this as a birthday gift by my sister last April, and I found it so helpful that I bought a couple of extra copies when I traveled to Portland in August.  Kari Chapin had recently done a reading at Powell's Books, so it was a bonus to find that they had a stack of autographed copies.

Thank you thank you thank you, readers and likers.  I so appreciate your support.

Good luck! 

Felt like, Saturday

Arg, I've missed a day in my Blogtoberfest quest.  In lieu of time in front of the computer yesterday, my husband and I enjoyed an "in-house" date night following the Nelson Masked Parade.  It was well worth it....Imagine, a whole conversation, uninterrupted!   So, I'll cheat a bit and squeeze in an extra post over the weekend -- here's the first: a lovely "Freshen-Up" Felt showcase - - items that feel like spring to me.
