
Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Creative Space

In my creative space this week, I'm gearing up for my second attempt at the Nelson Saturday Market on October 30th.  Fingers crossed for better weather this time....

Just building up some stock.  A few of the organic baby tees and lots of organic sleep sacks and blankets.  It's nice to focus on prints again after taking a break for a few weeks....

And speaking of breaks, I think I'll definitely be taking a bit of a blogging hiatus after this whole Blogtoberfest shenanigan is over.  You may be able to tell by my erratic posting this week -- I'm getting a little burned out.  If there's one thing I've learned, it's that I'm more of a when-the-mood-strikes sort of blogger than an every-day sort of bloggger.  Which is a valuable thing to know about oneself, I guess.

At any rate, I'll do my best to push though the wall and finish what I set out to do.  One bright spot in my immediate blogging future will be picking the winner for my Handmade Marketplace giveaway!  Stop by and enter here if you haven't yet.  (And thank you to those of you who have.  You guys are one clever bunch -- I'm loving your tips.)

And finally.....If you have the time, it's well worth checking out the lovely Kootoyoo to find many other creatives and their spaces.  Always a pleasure....


Lauren said...

oh they are lovely! I hope the market goes really well! and happy blogtoberfest! lovely to find your blog...and all the best with the final week!

Beck said...

Firstly I love your images! Nice blog too. I'm hearing you re the Blogtoberfest...precisely why I didn't enter.I couldn't handle the pressure! Anyway, off to read some more of your blog...xo

Seedling said...

Thank you both for your wonderful comments and supportive words. Counting down the days a bit with Blogtoberfest, but I'm sure I will have learned from the experience. I'm pretty sure I won't sign up next year though.... Gearing up for the market -- somewhat nerve-wracking. Like Blogtoberfest, will feel better when it's done!