
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Baby, Unwrangled.

Um, taking pictures with babies (particularly mobile babies with minds of their own) is hard.  Hard!  I can see why the professionals hire baby wranglers.  I always think photos with baby products are so much more appealing with actual babies in them.  So, to better depict a new design for my line of organic baby blankets, I decided to give it a shot.  I was envisioning my babe beautifully swaddled and looking serenely adorable; the photo would of course show both the print on the body of the blanket and the one on the hood.  I made sure Aya was clean as a whistle and well-fed, and that we had a neutral background and good light.  All perfectly planned, right?   Well, you can see for yourself how things developed.

First this:

Then this:


And finally.... this:

Lesson learned. 


えみこ said...

I think ALL OF THESE are wonderful, adorable, appealing, and REAL shots for the blanket!!
I mean Aya is certainly enjoying the blanket in the first 4 shots, and then feeling comfy in the last :)

natacha lee said...

Cuuuttteee... The baby and the blanket. I agree, taking photos of babies (and toddlers) is HARD!

Seedling said...

Thanks guys...I think I was so focused on getting good shots of the blanket that I was getting frustrated even though Aya was being totally sweet and playful. Next time maybe I'll cut straight to the sleeping shots though!

Mel @ Wildflower said...

Oh that's so funny - but utterly adorable and true to life as well. It could be your thing - your point of difference if you like - candid photos of how your products really perform!! (Great that you're back in the country by the way :) )

Pam said...

So cute! You can see how it's going to go by the cheeky look in Aya's eyes in that first shot! Beautiful blanket, it looks so soft and cosy, which is obviously is if that last shot is anything to go by!

Seedling said...

Thanks Mel and Pam for your kind words... Had a bit of a different photo shoot today -- this time with my husband assisting. He was a huge help. Didn't even need to wait for her to fall asleep! xx