
Monday, June 7, 2010

Come On In....

As promised, a few photos of the studio.    I'm still just settling in, but having this space is amazing.  I can get totally lost in what I'm doing, listen to whatever playlist I'm fixating on at the moment, or even just sit (!) and think a bit.

And there you have it -- the grand tour: my desk, blackboard, shelves, Valentine from S, ironing board with an order ready to go out, and a framed copy of a note my grandfather wrote and kept in his wallet throughout his life.   Ta-da!  Simple, small, wonderful.  And mine all mine.  How amazing to have a "room of one's own" in the midst of a life in which even taking a shower can easily turn into full-family affair.  

Speaking of which....may as well go enjoy some of that space now.  6 pm and the kids are in bed!  Time to get a bit of work done.  xx


Amber said...

Wow, I'm so jealous! I do have my own sewing room/office but it's just the spare room and the kids always go in there (maybe cos that's where the coloured pencils are kept too) so it's not really "my own".

natacha lee said...

It looks so nice and cozy!

frangipani said...

What a lovely space to get creative in...and so organised and tidy:)

Seedling said...

Thanks everyone! It is absolutely wonderful to be in there -- I can't believe I put it off to begin with! Amazing what creatures of habit we can be. xx

Stella said...

Your studio looks awesome! Love it, what a lovely little place to hide away and, ahem, work... At least your work is enjoyable right?!

Seedling said...

Absolutely -- I love my work! I hope I don't make it sound as though I don't enjoy it. I think that sometimes my energy can ebb and flow, and on an ebbing night, the warm bed with a good book and the covers pulled up looks awfully tempting. But really it's just getting myself out there -- once I'm in my space I'm totally happy and can keep going and going....