
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Waste Not....

Even with our stringent de-cluttering policies, we are guilty (er, I am guilty) of letting a few plastic storage boxes of clothing I can't quite part with waste away in our garage.   I did a little digging this week and resurrected a once-loved top and a once-perfect, oft-repaired pair of favorite jeans.  The long sleeves of the top became these super-simple baby leggings  (forgive the grainy rainy-day exposure....)

And the jeans transformed like this....

I'll be honest, making these was a bit harrowing -- I wouldn't recommend denim or this type of stretchy cotton/lycra material to a newbie seamstress like me.  It's a miracle that both the machine and I survived!  I certainly honed my G-rated expletive range during this project.  The center photo is of S assisting with a gentle, soothing touch to appease the sewing machine.  It must have worked, since she allowed me to finish both projects with only the small casualty of a broken needle. Worth the sacrifice to breathe new life into these old favorites.....

Just quickly, a few photos from the shed/studio revamp:

The walls are up!  I think I'll be able to get in and do some painting in the next week.  Can't wait.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Can't wait to see your studio in the making.

Stella said...

Those pants are so cute! Both pairs, well done

Rhiannon said...

Great re-fashions! It's so hard to get rid of those clothes that were with you during so many happy times, huh? Good on you for letting go of a few bits : )

Seedling said...

Hello! Thank you all for your sweet words -- I'm definitely looking at all of our unused clothing in a new light these days! Better to have things used and re-loved rather than going to waste in storage. Right now I'm working on some dye projects with older clothes -- stay tuned!